Are You Getting The Fair Wages For Overtime At Work?

Working beyond your ordinary work hours is called overtime. And, when you put extra efforts and time to complete work even after your regular hours, you deserve fair wages for your hard work. But, some workers never get the fruits of their labor.

It is obvious that you will be distressed, if you are not being paid for all the extra hours you have worked. Employees, who are not aware of their rights, usually become the victims of wage theft. As a worker, it is very important for you to have detailed information regarding your overtime wages, so that they are not left unpaid.

Unpaid or unfair payment includes different situations such as –

  • Receiving less than the minimum wages
  • Not being paid for overtime
  • Working before or after your scheduled work shift without any compensation
  • Working in rest breaks
  • Doing work while you are signed off

If you are an employee who is facing any of the aforementioned situations or if you believe that your employer is violating state or federal laws related to fair wages, then you need to raise your voice against it as early as possible.overtime lawFirstly, get in touch with your payroll department to see if your issue can be resolved or not. You can also contact the department of labor, to get your case reviewed and check how things go from there.

Filing a lawsuit is the next option if everything you tried to get your unpaid payments failed. To file a lawsuit, you need a lawyer who is known for unpaid wages lawsuits and recoveries. Find an attorney who has detailed knowledge of your state laws and can stand by your side to justify your claim.

A number of lawyers will be ready to represent your case without any fee, until you win. However, it is still important for you to have knowledge about the state and federal laws along with your rights, so that you do not become a victim of unpaid payments or wage theft.