How to Handle Your Pending Overtime Wages Effectively?

Why do we all work? An obvious answer would be to get paid of course, right? Everyone is entitled to receive a fair pay for every task they perform at their work. However, still many employers don’t abide with wage and hours law. These employers use different tricks to ignore these laws and keep extra money in their accounts. If you believe that you have become victim of these tricks, you can use following steps to receive the pay that you deserve:

Step 1: Check out policy and procedure manual of your organization to find out, if you are entitled to receive the overtime pay. If you fall in the correct category, only then you will be entitled to receive your due wages.

Step 2: Talk to your colleagues and ask them about their overtime wages. If they are receiving a fair pay, you might be a targeted victim under some kind of discrimination.

Step 3: Get in touch with your HR department and address the issue. If it was just an unintended error, things will get sorted easily.

Step 4: Notify your employer and explain the issue in more detail. Do it in writing to ensure that later your employee should not claim about unawareness of the issue.

overtime law firm

If you believe that you are running out of options and need to find others reliable ways to receive your pending wages, you can consider the following two options:

Option1: If you believe you are running out of options, you can decide to file a claim with the department of labor. However, you can select this option if the money you are seeking is below than the amount set for small claims court. Moreover, you will receive only pending pay, not the compensation to handle the damages that delays in pay caused.

Option 2: If you believe that you want to avoid the bureaucracy and get more money, you must look for a reputable overtime law firm to fight for your rights. These firms have skilled lawyers that will make sure to protect your rights and ensure that you should receive other types of payments that your employer should pay apart from overtime wages; depending on the laws of state, you are living it.

It is strongly recommended that you always keep the track of hours worked on your own. It is to make sure that if you are not able to resolve issues at your end, you will require presenting all these documents to proceed ahead with the help of a professional.

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